Title: | Negative Binomial Factor Regression Models ('nbfar') |
Description: | We developed a negative binomial factor regression model to estimate structured (sparse) associations between a feature matrix X and overdispersed count data Y. With 'nbfar', microbiome count data Y can be used, for example, to associate host or environmental covariates with microbial abundances. Currently, two models are available: a) Negative Binomial reduced rank regression (NB-RRR), b) Negative Binomial co-sparse factor regression (NB-FAR). Please refer the manuscript 'Mishra, A. K., & Müller, C. L. (2021). Negative Binomial factor regression with application to microbiome data analysis. bioRxiv.' for more details. |
Authors: | Aditya Mishra [aut, cre], Christian Mueller [aut] |
Maintainer: | Aditya Mishra <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3.0) |
Version: | 0.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 05:42:20 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/amishra-stats/nbfar |
To estimate a low-rank and sparse coefficient matrix in large/high dimensional setting, the approach extracts unit-rank components of required matrix in sequential order. The algorithm automatically stops after extracting sufficient unit rank components.
nbfar( Yt, X, maxrank = 3, nlambda = 40, cIndex = NULL, ofset = "CSS", control = list(), nfold = 5, PATH = FALSE, nthread = 1, trace = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
nbfar( Yt, X, maxrank = 3, nlambda = 40, cIndex = NULL, ofset = "CSS", control = list(), nfold = 5, PATH = FALSE, nthread = 1, trace = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
Yt |
response matrix |
X |
design matrix; when X = NULL, we set X as identity matrix and perform generalized sparse PCA. |
maxrank |
an integer specifying the maximum possible rank of the coefficient matrix or the number of factors |
nlambda |
number of lambda values to be used along each path |
cIndex |
specify index of control variables in the design matrix X |
ofset |
offset matrix or microbiome data analysis specific scaling: common sum scaling = CSS (default), total sum scaling = TSS, median-ratio scaling = MRS, centered-log-ratio scaling = CLR |
control |
a list of internal parameters controlling the model fitting |
nfold |
number of folds in k-fold crossvalidation |
TRUE/FALSE for generating solution path of sequential estimate after cross-validation step |
nthread |
number of thread to be used for parallelizing the crossvalidation procedure |
trace |
TRUE/FALSE checking progress of cross validation error |
verbose |
TRUE/FALSE checking progress of estimation procedure |
C |
estimated coefficient matrix; based on GIC |
Z |
estimated control variable coefficient matrix |
Phi |
estimted dispersion parameters |
U |
estimated U matrix (generalize latent factor weights) |
D |
estimated singular values |
V |
estimated V matrix (factor loadings) |
Mishra, A., Müller, C. (2022) Negative binomial factor regression models with application to microbiome data analysis. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.29.470304
## Load simulated data set: data('simulate_nbfar') attach(simulate_nbfar) # Model with known offset set.seed(1234) offset <- log(10)*matrix(1,n,ncol(Y)) control_nbfar <- nbfar_control(initmaxit = 5000, gamma0 = 2, spU = 0.5, spV = 0.6, lamMinFac = 1e-10, epsilon = 1e-5) # nbfar_test <- nbfar(Y, X, maxrank = 5, nlambda = 20, cIndex = NULL, # ofset = offset, control = control_nbfar, nfold = 5, PATH = F)
## Load simulated data set: data('simulate_nbfar') attach(simulate_nbfar) # Model with known offset set.seed(1234) offset <- log(10)*matrix(1,n,ncol(Y)) control_nbfar <- nbfar_control(initmaxit = 5000, gamma0 = 2, spU = 0.5, spV = 0.6, lamMinFac = 1e-10, epsilon = 1e-5) # nbfar_test <- nbfar(Y, X, maxrank = 5, nlambda = 20, cIndex = NULL, # ofset = offset, control = control_nbfar, nfold = 5, PATH = F)
Default value for a list of control parameters that are used to estimate the parameters of negative binomial co-sparse factor regression (NBFAR) and negative binomial reduced rank regression (NBRRR).
nbfar_control( maxit = 5000, epsilon = 1e-07, elnetAlpha = 0.95, gamma0 = 1, spU = 0.5, spV = 0.5, lamMaxFac = 1, lamMinFac = 1e-06, initmaxit = 10000, initepsilon = 1e-08, objI = 0 )
nbfar_control( maxit = 5000, epsilon = 1e-07, elnetAlpha = 0.95, gamma0 = 1, spU = 0.5, spV = 0.5, lamMaxFac = 1, lamMinFac = 1e-06, initmaxit = 10000, initepsilon = 1e-08, objI = 0 )
maxit |
maximum iteration for each sequential steps |
epsilon |
tolerance value required for convergence of inner loop in GCURE |
elnetAlpha |
elastic net penalty parameter |
gamma0 |
power parameter for generating the adaptive weights |
spU |
maximum proportion of nonzero elements in each column of U |
spV |
maximum proportion of nonzero elements in each column of V |
lamMaxFac |
a multiplier of the computed maximum value (lambda_max) of the tuning parameter |
lamMinFac |
a multiplier to determine lambda_min as a fraction of lambda_max |
initmaxit |
maximum iteration for minimizing the objective function while computing the initial estimates of the model parameter |
initepsilon |
tolerance value required for the convergence of the objective function while computing the initial estimates of the model parameter |
objI |
1 or 0 to indicate that the convergence will be on the basis of objective function or not |
a list of controlling parameter.
Mishra, A., Müller, C. (2022) Negative binomial factor regression models with application to microbiome data analysis. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.29.470304
control <- nbfar_control()
control <- nbfar_control()
Simulate response and covariates for multivariate negative binomial regression with a low-rank and sparse coefficient matrix. Coefficient matrix is expressed in terms of U (left singular vector), D (singular values) and V (right singular vector).
nbfar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0, disp, depth)
nbfar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0, disp, depth)
U |
specified value of U |
D |
specified value of D |
V |
specified value of V |
n |
sample size |
Xsigma |
covariance matrix used to generate predictors in X |
C0 |
intercept value in the coefficient matrix |
disp |
dispersion parameter of the generative model |
depth |
log of the sequencing depth of the microbiome data (used as an offset in the simulated multivariate negative binomial regression model) |
Y |
Generated response matrix |
X |
Generated predictor matrix |
Mishra, A., Müller, C. (2022) Negative binomial factor regression models with application to microbiome data analysis. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.29.470304
## Model specification: SD <- 123 set.seed(SD) p <- 100; n <- 200 pz <- 0 nrank <- 3 # true rank rank.est <- 5 # estimated rank nlam <- 20 # number of tuning parameter s = 0.5 q <- 30 control <- nbfar_control() # control parameters # # ## Generate data D <- rep(0, nrank) V <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = q) U <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = p) # U[, 1] <- c(sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 8)) U[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 5), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 14)) U[, 3] <- c(rep(0, 11), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 20)) # # for similar type response type setting V[, 1] <- c(rep(0, 8), sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 16)) V[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 20), sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 28)) V[, 3] <- c( sample(c(1, -1), 5, replace = TRUE) * runif(5, 0.3, 1), rep(0, 23), sample(c(1, -1), 2, replace = TRUE) * runif(2, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 30) ) U[, 1:3] <- apply(U[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2))) V[, 1:3] <- apply(V[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2))) # D <- s * c(4, 6, 5) # signal strength varries as per the value of s or <- order(D, decreasing = TRUE) U <- U[, or] V <- V[, or] D <- D[or] C <- U %*% (D * t(V)) # simulated coefficient matrix intercept <- rep(0.5, q) # specifying intercept to the model: C0 <- rbind(intercept, C) # Xsigma <- 0.5^abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, FUN = "-")) # Simulated data sim.sample <- nbfar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0,disp = 3, depth = 10) # Simulated sample # Dispersion parameter X <- sim.sample$X[1:n, ] Y <- sim.sample$Y[1:n, ] # disp = 3; depth = 10; # simulate_nbfar <- list(Y = Y,X = X, U = U, D = D, V = V, n=n, # Xsigma = Xsigma, C0 = C0,disp =disp, depth =depth) # save(simulate_nbfar, file = 'data/simulate_nbfar.RData')
## Model specification: SD <- 123 set.seed(SD) p <- 100; n <- 200 pz <- 0 nrank <- 3 # true rank rank.est <- 5 # estimated rank nlam <- 20 # number of tuning parameter s = 0.5 q <- 30 control <- nbfar_control() # control parameters # # ## Generate data D <- rep(0, nrank) V <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = q) U <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = p) # U[, 1] <- c(sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 8)) U[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 5), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 14)) U[, 3] <- c(rep(0, 11), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 20)) # # for similar type response type setting V[, 1] <- c(rep(0, 8), sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 16)) V[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 20), sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 28)) V[, 3] <- c( sample(c(1, -1), 5, replace = TRUE) * runif(5, 0.3, 1), rep(0, 23), sample(c(1, -1), 2, replace = TRUE) * runif(2, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 30) ) U[, 1:3] <- apply(U[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2))) V[, 1:3] <- apply(V[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2))) # D <- s * c(4, 6, 5) # signal strength varries as per the value of s or <- order(D, decreasing = TRUE) U <- U[, or] V <- V[, or] D <- D[or] C <- U %*% (D * t(V)) # simulated coefficient matrix intercept <- rep(0.5, q) # specifying intercept to the model: C0 <- rbind(intercept, C) # Xsigma <- 0.5^abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, FUN = "-")) # Simulated data sim.sample <- nbfar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0,disp = 3, depth = 10) # Simulated sample # Dispersion parameter X <- sim.sample$X[1:n, ] Y <- sim.sample$Y[1:n, ] # disp = 3; depth = 10; # simulate_nbfar <- list(Y = Y,X = X, U = U, D = D, V = V, n=n, # Xsigma = Xsigma, C0 = C0,disp =disp, depth =depth) # save(simulate_nbfar, file = 'data/simulate_nbfar.RData')
In the range of 1 to maxrank, the estimation procedure selects the rank r of the coefficient matrix using a cross-validation approach. For the selected rank, a rank r coefficient matrix is estimated that best fits the observations.
nbrrr( Yt, X, maxrank = 10, cIndex = NULL, ofset = "CSS", control = list(), nfold = 5, trace = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
nbrrr( Yt, X, maxrank = 10, cIndex = NULL, ofset = "CSS", control = list(), nfold = 5, trace = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
Yt |
response matrix |
X |
design matrix; when X = NULL, we set X as identity matrix and perform generalized PCA. |
maxrank |
an integer specifying the maximum possible rank of the coefficient matrix or the number of factors |
cIndex |
specify index of control variable in the design matrix X |
ofset |
offset matrix or microbiome data analysis specific scaling: common sum scaling = CSS (default), total sum scaling = TSS, median-ratio scaling = MRS, centered-log-ratio scaling = CLR |
control |
a list of internal parameters controlling the model fitting |
nfold |
number of folds in k-fold crossvalidation |
trace |
TRUE/FALSE checking progress of cross validation error |
verbose |
TRUE/FALSE checking progress of estimation procedure |
C |
estimated coefficient matrix |
Z |
estimated control variable coefficient matrix |
estimted dispersion parameters |
U |
estimated U matrix (generalize latent factor weights) |
D |
estimated singular values |
V |
estimated V matrix (factor loadings) |
Mishra, A., Müller, C. (2022) Negative binomial factor regression models with application to microbiome data analysis. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.29.470304
## Load simulated data set: data('simulate_nbfar') attach(simulate_nbfar) # Model with known offset set.seed(1234) offset <- log(10)*matrix(1,n,ncol(Y)) control_nbrr <- nbfar_control(initmaxit = 5000, initepsilon = 1e-4) # nbrrr_test <- nbrrr(Y, X, maxrank = 5, cIndex = NULL, ofset = offset, # control = control_nbrr, nfold = 5)
## Load simulated data set: data('simulate_nbfar') attach(simulate_nbfar) # Model with known offset set.seed(1234) offset <- log(10)*matrix(1,n,ncol(Y)) control_nbrr <- nbfar_control(initmaxit = 5000, initepsilon = 1e-4) # nbrrr_test <- nbrrr(Y, X, maxrank = 5, cIndex = NULL, ofset = offset, # control = control_nbrr, nfold = 5)
Suitably generates offset matrix for the multivariate regression problem
offset_sacling(Y, ofset)
offset_sacling(Y, ofset)
Y |
outcome matrix |
ofset |
offset matrix or microbiome data analysis specific scaling: common sum scaling = CSS (default), total sum scaling = TSS, median-ratio scaling = MRS, centered-log-ratio scaling = CLR |
Simulated data with low-rank and sparse coefficient matrix.
A dlist of variables for the analysis using NBFAR and NBRRR:
Generated response matrix
Generated predictor matrix
specified value of U
specified value of V
specified value of D
sample size
covariance matrix used to generate predictors in X
intercept value in the coefficient matrix
dispersion parameter of the generative model
log of the sequencing depth of the microbiome data (used as an offset in the simulated multivariate negative binomial regression model)
Mishra, A., Müller, C. (2022) Negative binomial factor regression models with application to microbiome data analysis. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.29.470304